Useful Information Before We Arrive At Your Place
With every booking or inquire an email or call will be made to confirm inquiry. Please check other email folders as we send so many emails every day. In our efforts to provide you with the most realistic price during our quoting stage.
Please attach pictures and provide as much about detail as possible such as last time it was professionally cleaned, type of material is the chair, sofa, lounge, size of mattress ect.
Parking as close to your front door is easiest as Technicians carry heavy equipment. If possible, swap out your car if there is no parking.
Wherever possible Technicians will Park where you instruct. Sometimes to support our staff customers swap out their car spot until your assignment is finished. Then the Technician will wait until you return to resume your original car space.
In the event no parking Technicians will search for a convenient parking and if they can’t find a park they will call you to update you.
Technicians will never park illegally. No one wants a traffic fine.
If parking is far from where the work is located, we reserve the right to inform you about additional access surcharges before we start any works.
Outside your front door if there is more than 20 stairs up or down access surcharges start at $30. And can go up $10. For every 10 sets of stairs.